Visiting for the First Time

At Incarnation we envision a “world filled with God’s grace and love” so we strive to be people of grace and love in the best way we can. We welcome all—and All means All. We invite all to engage a journey where we, together, learn to live and love like Jesus, for a lifetime. 

If you would like to connect with us more intentionally through worship, serving, or in small groups please complete this online form and we will get back with you soon.


Sunday Worship

Incarnation offers in-person worship, live-streaming worship and recorded worship for later viewing. Recordings of worship may be accessed later via Incarnation’s Facebook page, YouTube channel or Vimeo channel. Request to be added to an email list which will push worship notifications to your inbox each week, by contacting Danette Griffith.

Connect here for this week’s live-streaming.

What to Expect During In – Person Worship

  • Incarnation is currently offering in-person Sunday worship services at 9:00 a.m. (traditional worship in the Sanctuary) and 10:30 a.m. (contemporary worship in Incarnation Hall).
  • Masking is not required.
  • Verbal and projected instructions provided during worship will help you feel comfortable participating as fully as you wish.
  • Wear whatever clothes makes you comfortable. We’re happy you’re a part of the worshiping community.
  • Volunteers will be present to welcome you and do the best to answer questions you have.
  • Nursery care and children’s programming is available. Learn more here.

In addition to worship, you are invited to:

Worshiping with Children: Tips for Parents & the Congregation