Welcome to Incarnation!
If you are new to Incarnation or you want to learn more about Incarnation ministries, please complete this online form we’ll use to connect you to a ministry leader according to your interests.
Worship, September 29, Worship at 9:00 am and 10:30 am
All live-streamed worship will be on Vimeo but you don’t need a Vimeo account to view the livestream. The livestream will begin about ten minutes prior to the start of the service so you can make sure you’re able to connect.
Connect to Worship 9:00 a.m. HERE
Opening of Worship
Hymn—You Are Holy ELW #525
Reading—Matthew 5: 13-16 (chapter 5), Pew Bible NT p. 4
Sermon—Pastor Kai
Hymn-—Christ, Be Our Light ELW #715 (vv. 1–2, 5)
Communion—All are welcome
Next Steps
Hymn—This Little Light of Mine ELW #677
Connect to Worship 10:30 a.m. HERE
Songs—Love the Lord, Living Waters
Special Music
Reading—Matthew 5: 13-16 (chapter 5), Pew Bible NT p. 4
Sermon—Pastor Kai
Special Music
Communion—All are welcome
Next Steps
Song—King of Love
Watch later on Facebook
Watch later on the Web
Download a PDF of a guide for families worshipping together.
Every Gift Matters
We are immensely grateful for your continued support of the ministries at Incarnation. Your generosity is not only vital to our church’s worship but helps us have an impact on people in the surrounding communities and beyond. We invite you to continue with us on this journey! If you have questions about setting up an electronic recurring donation or making a gift through stocks, an IRA, or a donor-advised fund, please reach out to Amy Faymoville, our gifts manager.
Prayer Concerns
Pat Fitzsimmons; Sue Odell; Kirsten Bornus; Mike Branch; Mike Wielenberg & family; the Incarnation Call Committee; Kara, Jackson, Michael & Kaitlyn Genia; Jon Nelson; Kate Tollefson & family; Jan Kuhrmeyer; June Fischer; Kirsten Blaseck; Wayne Quehl; Carol Beckerleg; Gene Lindholm; Marian Ness; Lowell Odland, Linda Hudepohl, Larrie Reese’s brother Douglas & sister-in-law Marion; Jon & Diane Iverson’s sister-in-law; Marilee Giere’s brother-in-law; Katie Johnson’s cousin; Sue Bernlohr’s mother; Lana Bergin’s brother; Nicole & Troy Heller’s brother-in-law; Mike Wielenberg’s parents; Al and Carolyn Ek’s son; Mike & Kara Johnson’s friend, Jenny; Kim Wielenberg’s friend, Cindy; Dede Mattison’s friends, Linda and Yvonne
SYMPATHY TO Anna Thorstad and family on the loss of her sister
To be added to the public prayer concerns list, please get in touch with Julie Durbin. If you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list, please obtain their consent first.
Altar Flowers
If you would like to have altar flowers given in honor or memory of someone, please contact the Incarnation Office at 651-484-7213 to sign up (cost: $25). Donations help offset the cost of the beautiful flowers that the Worship Arts team provides. Altar flowers express our love for God, enhance our gathering around the Word and Sacrament, and represent changing seasons both in the church year and nature.
Worship Banner
Green is the liturgical color for the Season After Pentecost. It is the season of growth, both in the natural world of plants and in our spiritual growth in knowledge and love of Jesus. The sanctuary banner symbolizes this season of growth. Light green represents an immature faith, medium green represents a growing faith, and dark green represents a more mature faith.
Building for Our Future
We hope and trust you will consider the invitation to support our Building for Our Future appeal. Click here for a link to the letter outlining the appeal and a commitment card.
This Sunday, September 29, we invite you to bring in your commitments if you haven’t already. These commitments are over and above our giving to the Operating Budget which supports our ongoing ministry. The commitments extend from now through December 2026.
We invite you to think about how God has blessed your life through this community and then state your “intention” of how much you will commit to Building for Our Future. We will need all of us to build the future God intends.
Special Note from the Council
The Congregation Council would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Denise Floe & Danette Griffith for their many contributions to our Incarnation community. We wish them both the very best as they enjoy retirement!
Celebration of Denise Floe’s Ministry
As the Director of Small Group Ministry, Denise has shaped and cultivated our vibrant SGM community from its inception to the expansive program it is today. Her passion for learning and faith-based connections, commitment to providing resource support and leader training, and her continuous demonstration of gratitude and invitation have left a lasting legacy in our community. Please join us in Grace Hall following worship services on Sunday, October 6 to celebrate Denise’s many, many contributions to Small Group Ministry.
Danette Griffith has served as our Incarnation Administrator for the past six years. She has been instrumental in supporting our finance team, facilities team, the Incarnation Staff, Council, and many other groups as she oversees the many day-to-day activities for Incarnation. Danette’s focus on supporting all the changes needed throughout and following the pandemic forever changed our “church without walls” capabilities. She has worked hard at transitioning responsibilities to our interim administrator and her attention to detail and preparations will ensure a smooth transition. Both Staff and Council had separate retirement recognition events for Danette. Thank you, Danette, for being a great member of the team during your time with us. We hope you enjoy your retirement travels!
Fall Sermon Series: Looking Inward, Living Outward
Join us for our fall sermon series Looking Inward, Living Outward:
We will use Dan Wolpert’s book, by the same title, and the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7 as a guide to an ever-deepening faith and ever-expansive way of love in the world.
There are still a few books available at church if you’d like to pick up a copy—suggested contribution: $10.
This Sunday, September 29, 10:15 am, Fireside Room
Continuing the Solid Ground Mission
Incarnation has been a long-time Solid Ground supporter. As the new Executive Director, Hunter will share Solid Ground’s vision for the next three years, continuing its overall mission to end homelessness, a focus for Solid Ground’s Oct. 11 Bring It Home gala.
Next Sunday, October 6, 10:15 am, Fireside Room
Interfaith Literacy
Jen Kilps, Network Executive for the Minnesota Multifaith Network, finds fear of the “other” or the unknown keeps us from welcoming our neighbor. She’ll explore religious literacy as a key component to breaking down that fear, understanding how religious traditions of people in our community are similar and different to our own and how we can work together for the common good.
Primetimers — New Fall Schedule
Primetimers are back with an exciting line-up for fall events, and we can’t wait to kick things off with a smile:
Thursday, October 24, 10:30 a.m.
Featuring the one and only Rev. Kevin Doely, bringing you a hilarious mix of gospel, comedy, and musical ventriloquism. Get ready to laugh, sing, and have a great time—it’s the perfect way to welcome the fall season with friends and fun! And don’t forget: Bring a friend!
Harmonize With Us This Fall!
Do you love to sing and want to be part of Incarnation’s “most harmonious” small group? If so, we’d be thrilled to have you join us this fall for Senior Choir! Our first rehearsal begins Wednesday, September 4, at 7:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Let’s make beautiful music together! For any questions, reach out to Sean Turner.
The Incarnation Music Series returns for a second season! We are striving to fill the world with God’s grace and love through locally available, h
igh-quality music and are happy to offer this series as a gift to the community. All concerts are on Sundays at 4 PM and are followed by a reception. A free-will offering will be taken to support the continuation of the series. Mark your calendars, plan to attend, and bring a friend!
Visit our webpage for more concert information.
New Member Class
Have you found your new church home at Incarnation? Are you interested in becoming a member? Join us for our New Members Class on Sunday, October 13 from 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (following the 10:30 a.m. worship service). A lunch will be served, as we explore our joined faith in Christ and discover our Mission, Vision, and Values as a community of faith. Click here to register! Nursery care will be available during that time for children 10 and under, simply indicate if you need nursery care on the registration form.
Small Group Ministry
Small Groups – Starting Soon!
Connect with others, deepen your faith, and engage in conversations on faith and life. Small groups are a place to learn, share, pray, and serve as part of a community. Check out the new small groups below. More information is on the website at: www.incarnationmn.org/ministries/small-groups/. Register at dfloe@incarnationmn.org.
Creation Care small group
What would a Christ-centered view of creation look like? This small group will learn about creation care while connecting with one another to talk about the study, Our Kairos Moment.
When: Four Mondays, 7:00-8:30 p.m., September-October.
Looking Inward, Living Outward small groups
The fall sermon series at Incarnation will be based on the book by Daniel Wolpert, Looking Inward, Living Outward. Engage in conversations with others around the themes, faith practices, and next steps. Check the website for more information. Register by Wednesday, September 25. Starting in late September or October, groups will take place on:
- Sunday mornings, 10:05-11:15 a.m. (4 sessions)
- Tuesday afternoons, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (4 sessions)
- Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:00 p.m. (5-6 sessions)
The Saint John’s Bible small group
Explore the illuminations (artwork) and calligraphy (written text) of The Saint John’s Bible. Hear how this illuminated Bible was created and how it is being used to ignite spiritual imaginations. Afternoon and evening groups are available, meeting once a month.
Afternoon Group: Tuesdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m., starting in October
Evening Group: Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m., starting in October
Liturgy of the Ordinary small group
Tish Harrison Warren writes “In overlooked moments and routines, we can become aware of God’s presence in surprising ways. How do we embrace the sacred in the ordinary and the ordinary in the sacred?” Talk about her book, Liturgy of the Ordinary, in a small group setting. All ages are welcome. Nursery may be available depending on space with pre-registration. Register by Wednesday, September 25.
When: Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 a.m., starting in early October.
The Way of Love small group
How do we shape our life in a way that follows Jesus? Explore and try out intentional faith practices to live a Christ-centered life. Discover creative ways that others have found to live out each faith practice in today’s world. Register by Friday, October 4.
When: Wednesdays, 10:00-11:30 a.m., starting in mid-October.
Solid Ground Winter Coat Drive
Winter is a challenging time for many families. Your generosity can provide warmth and comfort to our neighbors at Solid Ground. Please consider donating new or gently-used coats, boots, hats, weatherproof gloves, snow pants, and scarves. All sizes are needed. The families at Solid Ground will appreciate the warm gear for cold walks to bus stops and for children playing in the snow. A collection box will be available inside Incarnation from September 1 to October 6.
Monetary donations are especially helpful to purchase coats or boots when sizes are not available to meet the needs of families. Feel free to invite family, friends, and neighbors to participate. We believe that by coming together as a community, we can make a significant impact and bring joy to the lives of our Solid Ground neighbors. Any winter wear donations not used by Solid Ground families are brought to the Alley Shoppe in Arlington Hills Lutheran Church, helping more people stay warm this winter.
Volunteers are needed to work in a group setting at Incarnation to help sort and package donations on September 30 from 9 am to 11 am/noon and October 7 from 9 am to noon. Please contact Claire Gilbert for details.
Solid Ground Bring It Home Dinner and Auction
Friday, October 11 at 6:00 pm
NEW LOCATION: Keller Golf Club
Solid Ground’s Bring It Home Dinner and Auction is coming! Join others from Incarnation to enjoy the festivities and support Solid Ground’s mission. Indicate “Incarnation” in the registration process to sit by others from our community.
This year, Solid Ground’s 11th Annual Bring It Home Dinner & Auction is “For the Kids!” Please join our premier fundraising event as we celebrate families breaking the cycle of homelessness for the next generation!
The evening includes inspiring stories from our families and staff, in addition to a delicious dinner, desserts, games, and amazing silent and live auctions. The Fund-A-Need portion of this year’s event will benefit over 528 children in Solid Ground’s housing — 180 under the age of 5 last year! Save the date and be part of this impactful event!
Register online by October 1, 2024.
Solid Ground Tutors Needed
After-school tutoring sessions have begun for K-8 students at Solid Ground. Each student is paired with a tutor to assist with homework and learning enrichment activities. This is a wonderful opportunity for a child to benefit from special time with a supportive, positive role model each week… and a powerful experience for the tutor as well! No experience is required and training is provided. College students and older high school students are invited to volunteer. Tutors are especially needed Mondays–Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 pm. A one-hour/week commitment is preferred. Please contact Dylan at 651-846-9024, or DMcDonough@solidgroundmn.org.
Sunday Morning Cookie Crew
Serving cookies is a fun way to serve at Incarnation and everyone appreciates it! Please review the available slots below and click here to sign up. We will send you instructions for serving the Thursday before you are scheduled to serve. Thank you in advance for helping!
New Covid Vaccine Available
The new COVID-19 variant vaccine is now available in some pharmacies and will soon be available in the remaining pharmacies. For more information, click the link below:
Pickleball Returns on October 1
A Few Things to Remember & Something New:
- Everyone is encouraged to bring food shelf items for Ralph Reader each time.
• It’s a casual atmosphere for all levels of players. It’s about fellowship, not victories. Mix it up with new partners.
• Please wear a name tag and introduce yourself.
• Incarnation members may invite a guest, but please accompany your guests (and limit the number of guests a little) due to limited court times.
• Please record or report all injuries should they occur. Safety first, please.
• Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00–8:00 p.m.
NEW THIS YEAR: For safety reasons, entrance door #2 will be locked with a doorbell for entrance. There will be greeters to let you in. Sign up here as an Incarnation Ambassador & Greeter. The door chime will be in the gym, and other players can let you in if a greeter is not present.
Pickleball Greeters Needed
- Door #2 is locked after 3:00 p.m. for building security reasons.
- A doorbell for entry is at door #2.
- Greeters are needed to let folks in the door… OR players who hear the doorbell can stop playing and let people in the door.
- Greeters sign up for 2-hour shifts on Sign Up Genius.
- If players are present for your entire 2-hour shift, the greeter does not need to stay for the full 2-hour shift.
- Greeters are needed from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- You can be both greeter and player for the same shift… just stop playing to let folks in the door.
- LISTEN for the doorbell !!
Be Nice… Play Nice… Don’t Get Pickled… Bring a Friend.
MSM/HSM Launch Update
On Wednesday (5:00 pm), we gathered for an hour of open gym and community time. At 6:00 pm, we headed into Grace Hall for our first lesson—Adam and Eve: the loveable screwups. We learned about a God who walks with and loves us, even when we make mistakes, and who still invites us to participate in God’s creative and redemptive work in the world. 8th graders had an off-site Serve Night at Lyngblomsten and Harbor Crossing. They filed and painted nails and played games and conversed with residents. All went well. On Sunday, 9/22, after a 4-hour 9th-grade on-site retreat, we jumped into high school youth group with 50 9-12th graders. Our youth invited lots of friends. 9th graders work on their faith project for confirmation with a look at why does Jesus matter. Next week, October 2, is a pizza night (5:00 pm). 6/7th grade looks at Noah, 8th grade begins their Family Faith Formation core course alongside caring adults, 9th grade will look at how do I express my faith?, and the rest of high school will be cookin’ in the youth room (formationally speaking).
You can find Confirmation/MSM Registration on our webpage.
We Need Guides (Adult Leaders)
Our biggest area of need right now is finding 2 co-guides for 42 6th graders. And we have needs for 6-8 and high school. Please reach out to Nate or Heather to step up.
Connect to Serve
- Serve pizza on Wednesday (2 hrs) – sign up here
- Serve cookies and coffee on Sunday (2 hrs) – sign up here
- For our game room (classrooms 28-30), we’re looking for a Nintendo Switch or Xbox gaming console… – email Nate
- Hang out with middle school kids, Wednesday after school, 2:30-4:30 pm – email Nate
- Be a Small Group Co-Guide for MSM/Confirmation/HSM – view info
- Serve in the Nursery at 9:00 am – visit our nursery webpage
- Other service opportunities, here
- Contact Nate with questions
To view our schedules and loads of other stuff, head to our MSM or HSM web pages.
Disaster Response
Lutheran Disaster Response shares God’s hope, healing and renewal with people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need. Learn more.
- Middle East Crisis
- Eastern Europe Crisis Response
- Horn of Africa Drought
- Middle East Crisis
- Middle East & Europe Refugee Crisis
- South Sudan Relief
- AMMPARO: Protecting Migrants
Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook, follow @ELCALDR on Twitter and follow @ELCA_LDR on Instagram.